The purposes for which the Bridle Trails Community Club is organized are as follows: To protect and enhance the residential character of the Bridle Trails area.
To insure that all public and private activities which affect the area are consistent with the short and long term needs, desires, goals and objectives of the residents of the area.
To meet, organize, form committees, join with other organizations, and take other steps as may be necessary to promote and protect the interests of the area and its residents.
To carry out these goals by representation to and activities with local, county, state, federal, or other governmental bodies.
To pursue litigation in appropriate courts where necessary or proper to achieve these purposes, and to do all other things necessary or proper to achieve these purposes.
To take advantage of opportunities:
To participate in the planning and decision-making process for the commercial areas, residential areas, schools, parks and recreational areas, transportation, and other community needs within: the City of Bellevue and general vicinity.
To have any and all powers permitted non-profit corporations under the laws of the State of Washington, now or as they may be amended.
The name of this Corporation shall be the BRIDLE TRAILS COMMUNITY CLUB (BTCC).
Any adult(s) residing in a household within the area described in the REPRESENTATIVE AREA STATEMENT and ARTICLE III of the ARTICLES OF INCORPORATION, may become a Member or Members of this Corporation by payment of annual dues indicating their intention to join. Special Membership Petitions may be approved by the BOARD OF DIRECTORS.
The Corporation’s membership and mailing lists shall not be used for, or in connection with, the purpose of soliciting, promoting or advertising any commercial and/or professional business.
Total indebtedness in excess of 10 per cent (10 %) of active membership billing shall not be incurred by the Corporation except upon recommendation of the BOARD OF DIRECTORS and a majority vote of the Members at a regular meeting of the Corporation at which a quorum is present. The Corporation shall provide for such audit and control of its funds as are necessary for their safe keeping and complete accounting.
SECTION 1: Board of Directors
The number of DIRECTORS constituting the BOARD OF DIRECTORS of the Corporation shall be seven (7). The PRESIDENT and VICE-PRESIDENT shall be members of the BOARD OF DIRECTORS.
SECTION 2: Officers
The OFFICERS of this Corporation, who shall be elected by the BOARD OF DIRECTORS, shall be a PRESIDENT, VICE-PRESIDENT, SCRIBE, and TREASURER, all of whom shall be Members in good standing in the Corporation.
SECTION 3: President
The PRESIDENT shall be the Chief Executive Officer and shall preside at all meetings of the Membership and at all meetings of the BOARD.
SEC I ION 4: Vice-President
In the absence of the PRESIDENT, that office shall be filled by the VICE-PRESIDENT, who shall assist the PRESIDENT in the performance of his/her duties, or perform such other duties as may be requested by the PRESIDENT.
SECTION 5: Scribe
The SCRIBE shall attend all meetings of the BOARD and the membership and shall keep records and minutes of all such meetings. The SCRIBE shall give, through public notice, or cause to be given, notice of all meetings to each member and the BOARD and shall perform such other duties as may be prescribed by the BOARD or the PRESIDENT. The SCRIBE shall also have charge of all correspondence.
SECTION 6: Treasurer
The TREASURER shall have the following responsibilities: Organizing the collection of annual dues subsequent to the Annual Meeting; custody of the funds of the organization; keeping full and accurate accounts of receipts and disbursements in books belonging to the Corporation; and shall deposit all moneys in the name and to the credit of the Corporation in such bank, as may be designated by the BOARD, from which account funds can be drawn only by check or withdrawal slip bearing the signature of the TREASURER or an Officer.
The TREASURER shall disburse the funds of the Corporation in payment of bills properly authorized by the BOARD, taking proper vouchers for such disbursements. The TREASURER shall render to the BOARD, the PRESIDENT, and the Members an account of all the transactions and of the financial condition of the Corporation biannually. The accounts shall be audited one week prior to the Annual Meeting by an Auditing Committee of at least two (2) Members appointed by the Officers.
SECTION 7: The Advisory Committee
The ADVISORY COMMITTEE shall be appointed by the Officers. Those appointed shall be residents of areas distributed throughout the Bridle Trails Community, provided candidates are available. The ADVISORY COMMITTEE shall take into consideration all issues affecting the area and shall make recommendations as to action to the BOARD OF DIRECTORS.
The ADVISORY COMMITTEE will be approved at the Annual Meeting.
SECTION 8: At-Large Membership Positions
Any member in good standing shall have the opportunity to participate in BOARD or ADVISORY COMMITTEE decision making processes.
SECTION 1: Election
The BOARD members, subject to ARTICLE IV, SECTION 1, of the BYLAWS, shall be elected at the Annual Meeting of the Membership.
The OFFICERS, subject to ARTICLE IV, SECTION 2 of the BYLAWS, shall be elected by the BOARD OF DIRECTORS at the Annual Meeting of the BOARD. A majority vote of those BOARD members present shall be controlling in each case.
SECTION 2: Nominating Committee
One (1) month prior to the Annual Meeting, the OFFICERS shall appoint a NOMINATING COMMITTEE composed of a CHAIRMAN, a BOARD Member, and two Members chosen from the representative geographic areas within the Membership boundaries.
This Committee shall select candidates for the offices to be filled and report at the ANNUAL MEETING. The PRESIDENT and VICE-PRESIDENT shall have previous BOARD experience. If possible, notification of the Annual Meeting shall include the proposed candidates for the BOARD OF DIRECTORS and the ADVISORY COMMITTEE.
The consent of a Member must be obtained before presenting his or her name as a candidate. Nominations also may be made from the floor, with the consent of the candidate.
SECTION 3: Term of Office
OFFICERS and BOARD MEMBERS shall hold office for a term of two (2) years, or until their respective successors are duly elected and qualify.
SECTION 4: Vacancies
Vacancies in office may be filled, for the balance of the unexpired term, by a majority vote of the BOARD at any regular or special BOARD Meeting, and confirmation by the Membership at the next regular meeting.
SECTION 1: Standing Committees
The BOARD shall appoint the following Standing Committees, with the consent of those appointed, and prescribe their duties in a manner not inconsistent with the provisions of these BYLAWS:
SECTION 2: Special Committees
A: An AUDITING COMMITTEE shall be appointed as provided in ARTICLE IV, SECTION 6. B: A NOMINATING COMMITTEE shall be appointed as provided for in ARTICLE V, SECTION 2.
C: The PRESIDENT shall appoint such other special committees as may be necessary or advisable to promote the welfare of the Corporation.
SECTION 3: Ex-Officio Members
The PRESIDENT shall be an EX-OFFICIO member of all Standing Committees and Special Committees EXCEPT the NOMINATING COMMITTEE.
SECTION 1: Meetings of the Membership
A: The regular meeting of the Membership shall be held at least annually or as called by the BOARD.
B: Special Meetings may also be called by a minimum of twenty (20) Members or any three (3) OFFICERS, provided seven (7) days notice be given to all Members.
C: Each adult in a Member household, present at a Membership Meeting shall have one (1) vote upon each issue presented and each office to be filled.
SECTION 2: Board Meetings
A: The BOARD shall meet at least quarterly.
B: Special Meetings of the BOARD maybe held on the call of the PRESIDENT or a majority of the Members of the BOARD.
C: The ADVISORY COMMITTEE shall meet at least quarterly.
SECTION 1: Meetings of the Membership
The attendance of twenty (20) or more Members in person shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business at Membership meetings.
SECTION 2: Board Meetings
A majority of the Members of the BOARD OF DIRECTORS shall be necessary to constitute a quorum for the transaction of business at BOARD Meetings.
These BYLAWS may be amended by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of those present at any regular meeting of the Corporation attended by not less than twenty (20) Members, provided however, that such amendment shall have been submitted in writing to the Members no less than thirty (30) days prior to the Membership meeting at which the amendment is to be voted upon.
ROBERT’S RULES OF ORDER, Revised, shall be the Parliamentary Authority for all Members or procedures not specifically covered by the BYLAWS of this Corporation.