$370,000 of council approved $5-million allocated for three capital improvement projects in Bridle Trails over the next 3-5 years.
124 resident-identified project ideas were submitted & reviewed. 29 projects were chosen and voted on by area residents. The winning top three projects were funded and kicked off in January 2018.
NE 40th St Restriping between 140th Ave NE and 146th Ave NE: This project will restripe NE 40th St to narrow existing travel lanes, add painted buffer area on the south side of the road, install raised pavement markers (RPMs) inside of buffer and install extruded curb in buffer. New travel lane width will be 10-feet in each direction, which will add a traffic calming element to the road. Estimated Project Completion: Summer 2020. Project Manager: Chris Iverson (425-452-6461); CIverson@bellevuewa.gov
Cherry Crest Elementary Intersection Improvements: This project will enhance the three-leg intersection at 124th Ave NE and NE 32nd to encourage stop compliance and a safer pedestrian crossing condition. Includes the installation of a new streetlight on southwest corner of 124th Ave NE and NE 32nd St. Also includes the replacement of existing STOP signs with flashing STOP signs to enhance visibility. Crosswalk paint inside of existing north-south crosswalk will be added. Estimated Project Completion: September 2019. Project Manager: Jeremy Chin (425-452-4179); JChin@bellevuewa.gov
Cherry Crest Mini Park Improvements: This project will provide for various park improvements including: General Improvements: Power washing of entire park site, refinish trellis at entry, repaint handrails and concrete wall letter blocks at picnic area, install a bike rack. Playground Area Improvements: Relocation and replacement of water fountain (and addition of pet fountain), replacement of play equipment and digger, replacement of poured-in-place surface at play area, removal of concrete letter blocks at play area and extend knee wall. Court Areas: Power wash courts, replace the basketball backboards and restripe court, replace the tennis court windscreen, restripe the tennis court and add striping for pickleball, refinish tennis court benches. Estimated Project Completion: Summer 2020. Project Manager, Lynde Wallick (425-452-2932);
Theresa Cuthill, NEP Coordinator
Telephone 425-452-4186
Email tcuthill@bellevuewa.gov
reprinted from City of Bellevue NEP page. See more maps & funding info.
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